Plenty O'Toole.

Hey I'm Meighan O'Toole. I find the Internet and the sense of community it inspires fascinating. I work with creative individuals and brands to define their voice online using social media.

I have teh Internets to thank for my career.*

Thanks for taking a minute to stop by.

Have a question for me? shoot me an email.

*I used to blog a lot about art over here.


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“On any given day, there will be at least a couple dogs, and sometimes a dozen or more, in the Wired office.”

Meet the dogs of WIRED!

I love all of our dogs in the office, but Daphne (above) is my very favorite.

(via wired)


  1. lawlxir reblogged this from wired and added:
    this explains pretty clearly why wired is my favorite.
  2. domesticbeast reblogged this from wired
  3. nthw reblogged this from wired
  4. toothh-paaste reblogged this from wired
  5. oi-pudim-blog reblogged this from wired
  6. plentyotoole reblogged this from wired and added:
    I love all of our dogs in the office, but Daphne (above) is my very favorite.
  7. wired posted this

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