Plenty O'Toole.

Hey I'm Meighan O'Toole. I find the Internet and the sense of community it inspires fascinating. I work with creative individuals and brands to define their voice online using social media.

I have teh Internets to thank for my career.*

Thanks for taking a minute to stop by.

Have a question for me? shoot me an email.

*I used to blog a lot about art over here.


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Today is National Take Your Dog to Work Day. Did you bring your pooch to work?

Here at WIRED, we love our four legged friends. We’ll be sharing our office dogs later today with you. But until then let’s see your favorite canines!

Picture reply below with an image of your dog. Let’s see your pups!

Doooooo eeeeeet!

(via wired)


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    Doooooo eeeeeet!
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