...we never, we never we will not stop right here. lullatoned; yasu. nineteen. fag. abrasive, loud, and sarcastic. cosmetics, wigs, circle lens, music, technology, books, movies, comic books, anime & manga, languages, words, quotes, the uk, travelling, proper english, office supplies, messenger bags, bagpacks. student, blogger, web designer. — basically, the sexiest, most incorrigible and narcissistic fucker you'll ever meet. also, this and this are me. formerly; sumeoseo, chaoticmyths, dokmul. always; sumeoseo // lullatoned; deal with it.
I have moments where I prattle and there are lots of gpoy here alongside my inspirational idols.
yes, the music is on autoplay. fucking stop it if it bothers you. piss off otherwise. {playlist}
All coding is credited to the owner of the blog, yet none of the content on this blog is credited to the owner unless tated otherwise. So be a doll and refrain from stealing. It's really not cute. More credits here. ...do what you do, gotta get through.

Fall Out Boy | Rat-A-Tat (feat. Courtney Love)

Are you ready for another bad poem?
One more off-key anthem
Let your teeth sink in
Remember me as I was not as I am
And I said, “I’ll check in tomorrow if I don’t wake up dead.”
I kept wishing she had blonde ambition and she’d let it go to my head

May 26,2013 | 884 favoured | Reblog {Permalink} Tagged; # musique # pop rock # alternative rock # courtney love # fall out boy # ` {fav. #  # ` {100–ers. # ` {500–ers. 
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