October 18, 2012
The Case Against Protest Voting


One of the largely unasked and unanswered questions of this campaign is: Which man would you rather have over the next four years nominating (to lifetime jobs) the next 200 federal judges?…


We’ve seen what the Obama appointees look like on the federal bench — they look like the America of today, not the America of 50 years ago. Rightfully maligned by the left for his lack of enthusiasm on judicial appointments, the president still has appointed at least 82 women to the federal bench, 31 of whom are women of color, In so doing, he has begun to address the enormous gender and race gap on the federal bench. Today, women make up roughly 31 percent of active appeals court judges and 30 percent of all federal trial judges.

And we know what the Romney appointees will look like. The candidate told us a few weeks ago that his models are the four most conservative justices of the Supreme Court. Three of the four voted to strike down the federal health care law, and none have shown an ounce of interest in challenging the president’s drone policy…

Under Obama, the next four years will see a continued push toward ideological balance on the federal appeals court, where Democratic appointees still lag their Republican counterparts by 36. Under Romney, the next four years will see a push toward ideological balance at the federal trial court level, where Republican appointees lag their Democratic counterparts by 52. Which new federal judges do you want ruling on new abortion laws, new voter ID laws, new immigration measures, new workplace rules? There is real contrast here.


I believe we are nearing one of those rare times in the history of the [Supreme Court] where meaningful ideological realignment is possible. The next four years, it’s easy to argue, will either cement the conservative hold over the Court for another generation or break it apart. So the question is: Which man do you want to shape that future? Which man’s legacy do you want to shape the lives or your children and your grandchildren?

My emphasis. 

(via utternutter)

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