Rob Colton

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Noah’s New Plan: Chapter 32

Here’s Chapter 32 of my free Wednesday Briefs story, Noah’s New Plan. This week is short but sweet. The prompt I used is “it’s not you, it’s me”.

Be sure to check out the Wednesday Briefs web site for more free fiction from my fellow authors.


Don’t freak out.

Noah glanced over at Eli. The man had both hands on the wheel, eyes on the road. Aside from the sound of the truck speeding across the asphalt road, it was silent.

Maybe Eli didn’t actually mean to ask Noah to move in. Maybe Eli was just feeling vulnerable because of his dad’s health scare. He didn’t know what he was asking.

You know he did. The man has your name permanently inked onto his body for god’s sake.

The tips of Noah’s fingers itched. Noah pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he cleared his throat. He really wished he had his notebook and a pen with him right now. He could start a pros and cons list. That would definitely help him decide what to do.

Eli’s voice cut though the silence. “We can pretend I didn’t ask, if it makes you feel better.”

Noah jumped at the unexpected sound. It took him another second to process Eli’s words, and then an additional second to process the hurt in Eli’s voice.

What was Noah afraid of? When Derek asked him to move in all those years ago, he didn’t hesitate. He’d thrown himself into Derek’s arms and kissed him like a fool. Why was he reluctant now with Eli? It was clear that Eli loved him.

And Noah loved Eli. He could admit it to both himself and Eli.

A romantic at heart, Noah always believed in finding one true love. He’d thought that Derek was that one. And after twenty years, it had exploded spectacularly like a supernova.

Was that what it was? He’d used his “one true love” up? But was it possible a person could have more?

What he had with Derek was real, no doubt about it, but people change. Derek changed. Or maybe Derek was the same man he always was, and it was Noah who actually changed. He certainly felt different, now that he was out of Derek’s shadow.

When he was with Eli, he felt confident and secure, and attractive. Heck, Eli even made him feel sexy.

Noah watched Eli… his handsome, sexy, man.

Eli gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles flexing. He wouldn’t look at Noah.

He’s bracing himself for my answer. He expects me to say no.

And that was Noah’s knee jerk response; he could admit it. The old Noah would have shouted “no” and ran. But another change Eli brought about in him was spontaneity. He didn’t need any lists, and he didn’t need any damn plans.

With Eli, the future was wide open.

Eli let out a tired sigh. “You’re about to give me the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ excuse, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Eli. Wait. I mean, no. I’m not giving you an excuse. I’m saying yes.”

Eli shot Noah a sideways glance. “Yes?”

“Yes. I want to move in with you.”

A grin lit up Eli’s bearded face.

“I knew you’d say yes.”

“Oh, you did? And how did you know that?”

“It was all part of my plan.”

Eli laughed and Noah joined in.

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