Rob Colton

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Noah’s New Plan: Chapter 33

Here’s Chapter 33 of my free Wednesday Briefs story, Noah’s New Plan. This week I used the prompt “Did you see…”

Be sure to check out the Wednesday Briefs web site for more free fiction from my fellow briefers.


Noah stepped out of the bathroom, still slightly damp from his shower, wearing only a pair of grey boxer briefs.

“We need to get the moving truck,” he said as covered his mouth and yawned.

Eli’s eyes slid up and down his boyfriend’s body appreciatively, lingering at the soft hairs in the middle of his chest. Traveling downward, he followed the hair that led from his navel into his underwear. Eli was intimately familiar with what hid inside, though the bulge in the tight little briefs left little to the imagination.

“What on earth are you wearing?”

Noah’s voice snapped Eli out of his trance.

“Huh? This?”

Eli looked down. He wore sneakers, camo pattern shorts, and a black tank top. Oh. The shirt had a pair of glasses on it, taped in the middle, and in large block letters was written “NERD MAGNET”.

Eli chuckled. “Cute, huh?”

Only Noah wasn’t smiling or laughing.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Noah answered sarcastically as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

“Why are you upset?” He spread his arms out. “I’m wearing this out of love. Nerd love.”

Noah shook his head. “You’re crazy.”


Eli pulled Noah close and wrapped his arms around him. He pressed his lips to Noah’s head, planting a series of kisses. “Mmm, you smell good.”

“It’s your body wash.”

Eli sniffed Noah’s hair. “It doesn’t smell that good when I use it.”

“I had to use your body wash on my hair.”

Eli ran his hand over his smooth shaved head. “I don’t have much use for shampoo.” He pecked a kiss on Noah’s lips. “Anyway, I got something for you.” Opening the bottom drawer of his dresser, Eli pulled out a folded t-shirt. “Here ya go, babe.”

“What’s this?” Noah flicked the shirt, unfolding it, then holding it in front of him.

He looked down at it and started to laugh. The shirt had the face of a cartoon bear and it said “BEAR MAGNET” in block letters. Noah shrugged, then pulled the shirt on.

“It’s a little tight.”

“Nah, it fits perfectly.” Eli reached around and smacked Noah’s ass. “Put some shorts on and let’s go.”

* * * *

Noah stepped back, moving out of the way.

Eli had brought his older brother, Jack, and his friend Rex. Between the three of them, they broke down the bed and furniture, and did all the heavy lifting. Leslie and Nicholas had volunteered to help, but they were missing in action.

Eli and Rex each had an end of Noah’s desk. Slowly, they carried it out of the apartment and down to the truck.

Jack walked past with the headboard.

Leslie and Nicholas walked in, carrying a carriers of coffee.

“Who is that?” Nicholas leered, staring at Jack’s ass while the big man made his way down the stairs. “Did you see… that… butt?”

“That’s Eli’s brother, Jack.”

“Damn, why didn’t you tell me he had a hot brother?”

“He’s straight.”

“I could turn him.”

Noah sighed. “Oh god. Thanks for showing up, by the way.” He looked at his wrist, miming checking the time on a watch.

Leslie pointed at Nicholas. “It’s his fault. Diva had to get her hair just right.”

“Well, everything’s almost loaded into the truck anyway.”

Nicholas grinned. “Then we’re right on time.” He took a sip of his coffee.

Leslie pulled at the sleeve of Noah’s T-shirt. “Nice shirt, by the way.”

“Eli bought it for me.”

“What? You’re kidding?”

“Just pick up some boxes, please.”

* * * *

Once the truck was loaded, they headed over to Eli’s house. Between everyone, they unloaded the truck, piling everything in the garage. Noah would go through it later.

Right now everyone was relaxing, enjoying pizza and beer. Noah’s treat.

Jack took a swig of his beer and kicked back in his chair. “So, do you feel different now that you two are shacked up?”

Noah thought about it for a moment. He could honestly say he didn’t feel different. They spent more nights together than apart. He should be freaked out, but he wasn’t.

“Not really.” Noah smiled.

Eli slung his arm around Noah’s shoulders. “I feel happy.”

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