here are some things I’d like to see fixed…

1.  housing issues, hold landlords more accountable for maintaining decent properties especially those who receive government monies to subsidize their tenants rents, and make Housing Code Enforcement work better to get it done. We have tons of slumlords in my neighborhood who do not care who they rent to just for the money, it’s horrible.

2. police patrolling - last night we had a huge brawl on a neighboring street in Lafayette, police was present and it was a mess, people were fighting every where, one group came from another neighborhood and started a fight with someone who lives in our neighborhood, a driver tried to mow down a house that is part of my attached home residents, drug dealers are running rampant, we need foot patrol especially during the hot months of the year, it’s getting worse out there. 

3. now here is my pet peeve - people parking at bus stop, if the police started handing out tickets to drivers parked at the bus stops, including City Agency vehicles clearly marked as such, the city would swim in money with a huge surplus in ticket fines. it is also horrible for those people waiting for buses when several cars are parked along the way, and so close you can’t get in between the buses - a a JCIA Van with trailer taking up the entire bus stop and the bus driver can’t even see the passenger. 

4. Greenville needs more police protection and foot patrols, as the young ones are running around with guns playing Wild West City and have no respect for human lives, shoot outs are the norm and that is no way to live.

5. a Suggestion to the Federal Government BRING BACK THE DRAFT

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