vegan validité

Making the choice to live a vegan lifestyle can be the hardest or the easiest decision you have or will ever make; whether it is hard or easy just know that you are making a difference.

Many people ask me multiple questions when they find out I am vegan. What made you become vegan? What do you eat? What do you do to get the proper nutrition? After I answer any questions people might have it almost never fails that I hear the immediate response of, “I could never do that because it would be too hard.”

Now, I am not here to persuade anyone to become vegan or to impose my ideals upon someone who is just looking for an argument, but I am here to prove the myth wrong that being vegan is hard or that you can’t get proper nutrition. The truth is once you choose to live a vegan lifestyle, or any lifestyle that consists of consuming less animal product, it is not the veganism that is the difficult part, it is the knowledge of what you can and cannot eat that can be tricky. Once you learn the ins and outs you will be amazed of how many recipes, restaurants, and resources are all around you.

Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or an omnivore I am here to inform you of why I chose the vegan lifestyle by giving you knowledge from my experiences, readings or life in general. I will tell you what I eat and provide you with recipes that even the beginner can cook. I will give you insight to some of the best vegan restaurants in any area. And for all those who feel they are missing out on some of the important nutritional substances, or simply don’t know where to find it, I am here to give you some tips of what foods are available that will provide you with all the nutrition to live a healthy lifestyle.


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< Cheese Tofu with Lentils on Spinach>

This is a super easy recipe! All you do is cook the Tofu, like the many recipes I have supplied you with in the past; however, this time, you add Vegan Cheese! Let it melt while cooking and you are good to go.

Throw the Cheese Tofu on some spinach, add some lentils, and salsa and you are more than ready to enjoy yet another delicious meal.

For those of you who want to cook this and feel a little lost let me know, and I will post a full recipe!!



  1. veganvalidite-blog posted this

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