September 17, 2014
Dreams do come true, people. Here’s the Think Geek exclusive cover to Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1 with art by sinagrace and I.
I first started watching Doctor Who on PBS when I was a kid. Sylvester McCoy was the 7th Doctor at the time. I’d stay...

Dreams do come true, people. Here’s the Think Geek exclusive cover to Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor #1 with art by sinagrace and I.

I first started watching Doctor Who on PBS when I was a kid. Sylvester McCoy was the 7th Doctor at the time. I’d stay up ridiculously late on Wednesday nights to watch the show. Bought the DVDs in my twenties. Bought the action figures in my thirties. Decided that my dream is to own the pinball machine earlier this year. I’ve always been enamored with the show. Currently, I’m in the process of watching every non-missing episode in order. I’m about to start the Troughton years.

I know it’s early in Capaldi’s first season, but I’m really sold on him already. Seven may always be *my* Doctor, but Twelve is climbing up the list reaching for that second place spot.

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