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I have nothing to post right now so here, have an old blog post until I get this up and running…

So today I did it. For the past month or so, I had been sharing my room with a spider that had come to be known as Stuart; he was Charlotte’s son. I’m not a fan of killing insects if they aren’t bothering me and Stuart brought nothing but joy to my life. We lived in harmony. I would watch him as he waited patiently for baby ants to walk by so he could holler at them, and he watched patiently as I dropped my towel in preparation for a new day. He was a roommate that never really bugged me…yes, pun intended. He just hung out in the corner of my ceiling getting high(or as he called it, “getting ceilinged”) and making webs. Before Stuart, when there were other spiders in my room, I would wake up with spider bites all over my body. I knew Stuart would never turn on me like that. We had an unspoken agreement based on respect for each other. Then today I noticed it: Stuart made a friend. I’m not sure if this friend was a “lady friend,” or just someone he liked to get ceilinged with, but I bugged out(is this still funny?) when I saw that the numbers had multiplied. I trusted him on his own, but with two against one, I felt uneasy. We had so many wonderful memories together…was I really ready to give them up? Well, after about a month of having the perfect roommate, Stuart’s lease was up. I feel terrible about the whole situation, but I had to do it. I mean really, who wants to be double-teamed in their sleep anyway?

  1. alexandradash posted this