Tiny Cartridge 3DS

The other new mode has you trying for high scores in three rapid-fire levels from different NES games, using a scoring system inspired by the 1990 Nintendo World Championships.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, I missed this detail about NES Remix 2. I’m not sure how this mode (which requires you to own both games) works, since two of the games from NWC 1990 (Tetris and Rad Racer) aren’t in Remix 2, but the scoring system there took your time to pick up 50 coins in Super Mario Bros., score in a Rad Racer course, and Tetris score into account.


I guess it could just be the coin time plus score in a few other selected games. In any case, this is awesome and amazing and I am shocked that Nintendo acknowledged the NWC in a game in 2014.

Between this and Super Luigi Bros., NES Remix 2 is turning into a dream game! Credit to Fabian for this GIF from The Wizard!

  • Source do-androidsdreamof-electricsheep

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