Tiny Cartridge 3DS

TinyCast 028 - Real Deal Feels - Tiny Cartridge

TinyCast 028 - Real Deal Feels

Tiny Cartridge • TinyCast

TinyCast 28! Back at full strength, we spend a lot of time discussing Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball, Yumi’s Odd Odyssey, and other games we’re playing. You wouldn’t hear this discussion on any other podcast! It’d be weird for them to talk about the games we’re playing.

Seriously, though, I can’t imagine many other podcasts going in depth on the design of these two games like this episode does. Enjoy!

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Episode notes:

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Shout-outs go to our patrons Anthony Gurganious, Federico Viticci, Jami Carignan, Dom Giacomantonio, Tony Wong, Adam Mowery, Ben Schnagl, Adam Robezzoli, Jeremy Jackson, Tim McDivitt, and Mohammed Taher of Brave Wave in this episode. Thank you all for supporting us!

In the next episode, we’ll make sure to talk about the ridiculous week of news we just had, looking at Tomodachi Life and Super Smash Bros.!

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