Tiny Cartridge 3DS

10+ minutes of Retro City Rampage video, music. Cot damn at the chiptune talent working on this WiiWare game’s soundtrack: Virt, Freaky DNA, and Norrin Radd!

You can download a “Soundtrack Demo Mix Tape” with songs composed by that trio for Retro City Rampage. Those ten tracks and this extended video should tide you over until this releases some time this December (if all goes according to Vblank’s plan, that is).

Also, holy crap does this look fun. Real talk, dudes who cannot let go of their NES days (which I have a feeling is pretty much all of you) need to watch this entire thing. Don’t miss the Mega Man bit around the 8:36 mark!

Buy: Nintendo Points Cards

See also: Our two-part Retro City Rampage interview

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