Tiny Cartridge 3DS

Tiny comedy and tragedy masks by J.S. Dresch (click for a larger image). J.S. created this rad wall sculpture for our Birthday Contest Of Forever event several months ago – it kind of inspired the “disapproving” expression we use for lackluster...

Tiny comedy and tragedy masks by J.S. Dresch (click for a larger image). J.S. created this rad wall sculpture for our Birthday Contest Of Forever event several months ago – it kind of inspired the “disapproving” expression we use for lackluster releases at DS Dates.

And while we’re talking about masks, we hope you enjoy our new “Super Tiny Cart” banner featuring Tiny as Super Mario Bros. 2’s Phanto. Jess Ragan (The Gameroom Blitz, GORF GBA) donated this awesome art for our use, and we hope it will dissuade any readers from picking up any scattered keys that clearly do not belong to them.

Though we’re awful at returning your emails and tweets, we do love our readers. When we built Tiny Cartridge, we never dreamed anyone would care enough about our little site – much less the silly mascot we whipped up on a whim – to invest their creative talents into Tiny art.

See also: DS Dates, our Tiny Cartridge spinoff site

[A Thousand thanks to J.S. and Jess]

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