Plead The 5th Imperial Stout

Brewed By:

Dark Horse Brewing Co.

Marshall, Michigan, USA

Style: Russian Imperial Stout

ABV: 12%

IBU: 70

Availability: Fall/Winter

While browsing around for new beer to try a gentleman suggested that I try this not so little doozy and I’m glad that I took his advice!

Pours an ominous viscous dark brown, almost black. It reminded me of pouring chocolate syrup. This stuff is completely opaque. Absolutely no light finds it way through the darkness. This concoction is topped off with a creamy, thick Cocoa brown head. Great retention. Settles into a thin creamy layer that lingers until the end and leaves little splotches of lacing. Very visually pleasing. The nose is mostly of alcohol with some roasted malts and faint chocolate. The flavor is very roasty. Lots of warming alcohol. Smooth, chewy chocolate and a little bit of vanilla sugary sweetness with plenty of bitterness to top it off. Very bold and full bodied. A very well balanced imperial stout!


  1. foreverbeer posted this

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