February 5, 2014
Reema Saga. Episode 4
Reema when she was a kid. Dont ask me how I have this photo. Even if you did ask me, I couldn’t tell you because I dont even know.
I have a theory that, although Reema has PHYSICALLY grown, she has not actually MENTALLY grown....

Reema Saga. Episode 4

Reema when she was a kid. Dont ask me how I have this photo. Even if you did ask me, I couldn’t tell you because I dont even know.

I have a theory that, although Reema has PHYSICALLY grown, she has not actually MENTALLY grown. Now im not saying she is stupid, I am saying that she is still a kid. Kids are funny. They chase butterflies and eat their boogers. Reema also does this.


10:40pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Zbqs4y16ZnuGm
Filed under: reema reemasaga 
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