“ The current generation of detectors at the SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search) experiment, known as iZIP (interleaved Z-sensitive Ionization Phonon). More info (PDF).
Source: SuperCDMS Gallery
(Proud of that my former... scienceisbeauty:
“ The current generation of detectors at the SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search) experiment, known as iZIP (interleaved Z-sensitive Ionization Phonon). More info (PDF).
Source: SuperCDMS Gallery
(Proud of that my former... scienceisbeauty:
“ The current generation of detectors at the SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search) experiment, known as iZIP (interleaved Z-sensitive Ionization Phonon). More info (PDF).
Source: SuperCDMS Gallery
(Proud of that my former...


The current generation of detectors at the SuperCDMS (Cryogenic Dark Matter Search) experiment, known as iZIP (interleaved Z-sensitive Ionization Phonon). More info (PDF).

Source: SuperCDMS Gallery

(Proud of that my former university is part of the team.)