so long as it's words

Shouty, sweary, enthusiastic Linguistics
Everything wonderful, fascinating and bizarre about language


So Long as it's Words

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Asker Anonymous Asks:
I have a German one: Milchbart, which translates to "milk moustache" and refers to the moustache kids often get when drinking milk. It can also be used to refer to a young, inexperienced person (the person sporting the Milchbart himself)
solongasitswords solongasitswords Said:

That’s adorable and I love it!

Although, my German is rusty. Is ‘bart’ beard? Or has it expanded to cover all facial hair? Not that I don’t LOVE the idea of a milk beard…

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  3. placeofpluto reblogged this from solongasitswords and added:
    In Dutch it is actually “melksnor”, which does literally mean milk moustache.
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