August 24, 2014
“ No movie podcast this week due to an unforeseen “none of us planning to record” event. So take the chance to go through the old episodes you maybe missed (that’s a thing I see other podcasts say), leave the show a review...


No movie podcast this week due to an unforeseen “none of us planning to record” event. So take the chance to go through the old episodes you maybe missed (that’s a thing I see other podcasts say), leave the show a review on iTunes or tell a friend to check us out (neither of which you have done. Yes, you. I know. I can see your empty heart), or watch the Simpsons marathon. We’ll be back in September to talk about any number of mainstream blockbuster movies written by 9/11 truthers. Tis the season!

- love, Engineer Dennis.

fucking DENNIS

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