Fridge Analysis

Dear Stonehill,

I’m newly single and starting to date again. I only over-think, like everything, so be gentle. What does my Fridge say about me? I want to put my best foot forward.


Stonehill Analysis

Robin, first off, you have really nice melons, but we’ll get into that later. Second, never change your fridge for a guy. He’s going to figure out who you are sooner or later, so don’t waste time trying to impress him. You have no idea what he’s looking for anyway and if he doesn’t dig you being you, he can piss off.

That said, here’s what your Fridge tells me…

You’re likely a Vegan and most definitely into your career. You’re probably too busy with work to stock your fridge, and too busy to cook, thus no ingredients to make a meal. You just have snacks and they’re all fruit except for the mystery bowl at the bottom.

The fact that you shop at Whole Foods says you’re willing to pay a bit more and that you bought two melon halves already cleaned out rather than buy a whole one for less money reinforces that you’re not counting pennies.

If you are a vegan, it could go either way. Dating is a team sport and if your date is willing to accept your love of veggie-ville, you need to accept his love of the once-living. Taking turns on restaurants is the way to go. But if you think your lifestyle should now be his lifestyle, I’d advise your date to shag now-ask questions never.

You also seem to be a world traveler, always a plus. You got that thing that looks like a porcupine mated with a football. I’ve never seen it in the US, so I assume you discovered it somewhere overseas.

You’re also the environmentally conscious type as you’re on the go, yet don’t have a 12-pack of bottled water. You probably take a reusable water bottle with you, and though I can’t see the door of your fridge, a class schedule from Equinox is a good bet.

Be aware that you might make more money than your date, and have a higher stamp count on your passport. As long as you still let the guy be the guy, he should be okay with it.

Fridge Dating Scorecard

Shag on first date: 7
When it comes to sex, you don’t have time to play games. You’re busy with your career and that carries over to the bedroom. As a Vegan, you’re probably into Yoga and don’t tirelessly work on that yoga-tush for nothing.

Marry: 6
You have potential Robin, but a concern is you won’t let the guy be the guy. Career women like to be in control and that bleeds into their dating. Though it constantly works against them, they often don’t see it.

Boil your Bunny: 2
You love animals, so boiling them is not your thing.

6Medium, Maybebang, Female, Love, Dating, Romance, Relationships, Food, Refrigerator,