


Okay so there is a sequel to My Neighbor Totoro (1988) , and it’s called Mei and the Kittenbus (2003)

…Did people know about this why would tHEY HIDE THIS FROM ME OMG TOTORO SEQUEL KITTENBUSGDGSA!!

It’s TECHNICALLY a sequel, but it’s not a feature film that somehow went unnoticed for ten years. It’s a 13-minute short about Mei, Totoro, and the various Catbuses that inhabit the world of the original film. It’s only shown at the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo, and it’s never been released on home video, so it’s HIDDEN in the sense that you have to go waaaaaay out of your way to see it

Many a Ghibli fan dreams of encountering this elusive beast of a short. Most have not, and will not. Still, one can dream

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