Danah Boyd has made her latest book available as a free PDF danah.org
33 notes
  1. diasyrmus reblogged this from stopmoving
  2. transfigurationblues reblogged this from tomewing-blog and added:
    Interesting subject, free book: what more can you ask for?
  3. henrytcasey reblogged this from culturecabin
  4. neilsociology reblogged this from tomewing-blog
  5. morganlittledc reblogged this from tomewing-blog
  6. sexshooter reblogged this from tomewing-blog and added:
    downloading this when i get home
  7. stopmoving reblogged this from tomewing-blog and added:
    new danah boyd!! she’s the best.
  8. tomewing-blog reblogged this from culturecabin
  9. culturecabin posted this