My Journey from Fat to Fit

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I went for a 23K (14 mi) run. It went really well. I started at an easy pace and gradually picked up the speed. I’ve run faster training runs of this distance, but this was solid and fell within my target pace. Things are making a turn for the better.

The only negative is that I’ve had a bit of tightness in my groin since yesterday’s run. This worried me a bit because the only other time I’ve had problems with my groin muscles was during my last marathon – where they cramped up and ruined my race.

Enough with the boring stuff – lets talk adorable animals.

I saw a bunch of deer on my run. The first sighting was a doe and her tiny little fawn. Probably just week old. They ran out in front of me and I stopped dead in my tracks, dropped my jaw and said “awww!” aloud. The little fawn was just like Bambi.

Next, I saw a buck. I don’t see bucks a lot because they tend to stay deep in the woods and away from residential areas. I was too distracted to note how many points he had.  He was standing in the road around a blind corner and there was a car coming behind me, so I stopped to wave the car down to let him cross the road.

Lastly I saw two young bucks. They just barely had any antlers. Again something that I don’t see often.

It’s times like this that I wish I had a GoPro of something to capture these moments.


  1. iwatchtheworldoutside said: I saw deer on my last long run too. I love seeing fluffy animals. I have to qualify. No snakes.
  2. amendingamber said: My sister was having trouble finding someone to record her wedding and I offered to wear a GoPro on my head while I stood beside her. Mostly unrelated to your post but yeah. haha. Unfortunately she told me no.
  3. fatman2fitman posted this