Green Lanten finds out what Batman’s superpower is in this awesome clip from Justice League: War

In this clip from the upcoming DVD animated film Justice League: War, GL gets a little mouthy with Batman, questioning his superhero credentials until he learns why a mere mortal such as Batman is often one of the most feared members of the Justice League. Justice League: War comes out February 4th.

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  6. slumberblues reblogged this from idontspeakmonkey and added:
    Green Lantern is kind of an asshole tho. He goes from being impressed that Bats has no powers staigh to mocking it....
  7. nebbypuppy reblogged this from iheartchaos
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  11. the-oned-and-only-gooch reblogged this from iheartchaos and added:
    Batman… You witty little fuck
  12. rudramakesmovie reblogged this from iheartchaos and added:
    that’s called “getting Batman” too bad Nolan and co. never really figured this piece out. Batman is just smarter than...
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