Starting May 15, you’ll be able to text 911 in case of emergency. Emergency. They don’t want pictures of your junk.


Starting May 15 in the US, if you happen to find yourself in an emergency situation where you can’t talk, but you can text, you’ll be able to text your emergency to 911. Right now, the service is only set to launch on Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile, and cities and counties across America may or may not have the capability to receive 911 texts on May 15, but the plan is that eventually, you’ll be able to send texts and even photos to 911 via text. Just don’t text them bullshit, because that will still get you in trouble, you dick.

Read the story here

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    Finally! I’ve been waiting for this ever since Sydney dialed 911 on her computer in Scream. Actually I was like can you...
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