First full look at Spielberg and Peter Jackson’s Tintin


Back when it was first announced that Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson were teaming up to bring Tintin to the big screen, many wondered if live action or CGI could capture the nuances of Herge’s artwork, but with these first screenshots, it appears that they certainly have.


Of course, screen captures aren’t everything. Astro Boy looked fucking incredible at first, but it was a steaming pile of poo. But I’ve certainly got to hand it to Amblin– they’ve seemed to have completely nailed the look of the characters in 3D.


But there’s also the cast and crew– in addition to being directed by Spielberg, the script was written by Stephen Moffat (Doctor Who) and Edgar Wright (Scott Pilgrim, Sean of the Dead) and stars Simon Pegg, Daniel Craig, Cary Elwes, Andy Serkis, Nick Frost and Tony Curran among others. It’s like a Tyler Perry movie for funny British people. And with Moffat and Wright writing, it should have a brilliant, edgy, clever and hilarious script. So… lots of good things going for it.


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