Win Stuff: Submit photos of your (or your kid’s) Halloween costume and you could win a $25 Amazon gift card


So Halloween’s coming up at the end of the month, and you and your kids if you have them, are probably already thinking about your costumes, if you haven’t already secured your costume choice. Well this year, that costume of yours could win you one of two $25 gift cards to Amazon.

Unlike most of our giveaways, this one involves a little more than just leaving a comment. We want you to submit your best Halloween costume, preferably from this year if you have one already, or no later than two years ago. But the contest will run for a couple weeks to give you plenty of time.

There will be one prize for adult costumes, one prize for kid costumes, and keep it clean and SFW. 

Submit your photos in the comments section below, and I and the IHC admin team will choose the two best costumes, helped in part by the number of likes a costume gets. It’s not an exact science, but I think I’m a pretty good judge of awesome Halloween costumes.

This contest will run from now until October the 27th November 1st to give you plenty of time to get your costumes together.

Lots of thanks to snarf prime for the contest idea.

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