CES 2012: Haier’s mind-controlled TV set OF THE FUTURE


There’s lots of new TVs at CES this year, mainly of the thin and smart variety, but one company, Haier, is showing off a television set you control with your mind. Yup… fuck having a remote or any of that other old tech shit. In the future, TV will work just like Gozar the Destroyer… you think about something and it becomes manifest to destroy you.

Called the “Brain Wave TV,” the 58-inch display shown at Haier’s booth is a concept prototype that the company is working on. To control the TV, you simply need to put on an EEG headpiece, make sure the attached arm is touching your forehead and then clip another piece to your earlobe.

Unfortunately, Haier didn’t want to show anybody any TV interfaces, instead, opting to only allow demos for a mini game where you try to make a barrel explode by concentrating on it really hard. Essentially, the EEG headpiece is reading electrical activity on your scalp, but because there’s only one main sensor, it didn’t particularly work too well. My first attempt where I concentrated on the word by focusing on the word “fire” exploded the onscreen barrel quickly, but subsequent attempts were disappointing.

In the future, Haier hopes to incorporate the simple controls for changing the volume and switching channels. How does Haier plan to do so? It’s not sure, but company reps say its R&D is working on it. Haier reps say that there are no plans to bring this mind-controlled TV to the U.S., although they did say that they’ve sold a few commercial models to clients in China.


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