The US government insist mermaids aren’t real, thereby confirming they are real


Last month, Animal Planet ran a special about evidence of the existence of mermaids, from ancient drawings to modern accounts. Well… “evidence” in quotes. As much “evidence” as ancient aliens or the end of the world in December of this year. Anyway, the documentary was so popular that the NOAA stepped in to state that mermaids aren’t a real thing.

“No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found,” the federal agency declares in a statement on its website.

NOAA, better known for issuing reports on such topics as fishery stocks and climate trends, was apparently moved to wade into the mermaid debate by an Animal Planet special that made the case for the mythical creatures’ existence. The special, called “Mermaids: The Body Found,” threw together “evidence” such as cave drawings, injuries to beached whales, and mysterious deep-ocean bloops to paint what it calls “a wildly convincing picture of mermaids, what they may look like, and why they’ve stayed hidden… until now.”

Discovery News notes that the show was intended as science fiction, but that didn’t stop viewers from pelting NOAA with demands for more transparency on the mermaid question.


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    Guessing that dragons are also real.
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