This autographed still is the outside world’s first look at Tom Hardy as Mad Max
This photo was uploaded to the internet by Dexter Rose and was later confirmed as real by Warner Bros. So there you are. Can’t fucking wait.

This autographed still is the outside world’s first look at Tom Hardy as Mad Max

This photo was uploaded to the internet by Dexter Rose and was later confirmed as real by Warner Bros. So there you are. Can’t fucking wait.

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  3. shananiguns reblogged this from iheartchaos and added:
    Mmmhmm. Yes.
  4. shortmom reblogged this from iheartchaos and added:
    On topic for traps and being my favorite movie when I was a kid.
  5. durarara reblogged this from iheartchaos and added:
    and a good morning to me
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  14. tabbran reblogged this from iheartchaos and added:
    Here you go, Ash.
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