The SBJ or Stealth Blow Job (NSFW language) [IHC Original REPOST]


The SBJ Guidelines - A PSA
Submitted by gloomcookie613 on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 19:53.


This is not the exact article as posted on IHC, only the comment originally made which was turned into the IHC original article.  It was the only text of it I could pull from a cached file, but I assure you it is the same PSA that was put into the mainpage article. :)  Only things I changed for this version are the zillion typos I had found while rereading it.

I suppose it’s PSA time:

Ladies, don’t let your man be less!  When he’s reached that critical point in his game, do NOT nag at him to do something ridiculous like watch Lifetime and talk about your cramps.  He doesn’t give a shit! (Much like many of you don’t care about his video games, sports, or other hobbies)  Instead, make your life easier and better.  When you want the attention his pixels are getting, don’t pout and sulk, use your lips for a much greater purpose: The Stealth Blow Job!

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