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En avant, toujours plus avant

Last year, around this time, I was headed to Montreal to work with a group of people I’d never met in real life on a project I’d only just begun to get a handle on.  I’d never been in the snow, and I was vetting the city to see if it would be a place I’d like to hang my hat.  I stayed for three weeks, learning not just about the city, but about my French Canadian co workers. I saw their art, I heard their stories and I met one of the writers I work with. 

That early test would define my relationship with Softcity.  Steve Jobs talked about achieving an emotional connection between user and product; I suppose had this with my company.  Softcity gave me opportunity and when I doubted my abilities they told me to reach higher.  They tested me, and gave me even more responsibility when they saw that I could fly.  I will never forget the time I spent working with such an amazing group of people, and it’s with a heavy heart that I release the community that I’ve helped build into the wild.  I hope the internet will treat it fairly, and maybe even add to it.  I’d love to see it grow =)

As for me, I plan to spend a bit more time playing with my cats while I take on my new found freelance projects. 

I hope you’ll stick with me during my crazy adventures!