

I love how Harry just genuinely likes Luna. Not in a romantic way, but in a “I don’t know how or why but I get you and you get me and I’d be honored to call you a friend and if anyone messes with you I’ll wallop them” kind of a way. I think he just marvels at her level of don’t give a fuck and her absolute sense of self. And then he and Ginny partially name their daughter after her (Lily Luna) and that to me is just fucking precious.

Clearly Harry recognizes and empathizes with a fellow outcast. Ron has his family and is generally well liked, Hermione has her family and people don’t despise her even though she is precocious and annoying at times, even Malfoy has a fairly impressive support structure and friendship group. But poor lonely Luna, such a kind soul and still people treat her as damaged. Harry was quite the same way until he arrived at Hogwarts; he had a level of celebrity and status that he didn’t even know about, so it’s easy for him to recognize bits of himself in Luna. And it just goes to show what a kind and fair soul he really is in the way he treats her so nicely.

My opinion.

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    Mm, the same Harry who thinks Luna is annoying for being weird? The same Harry who laughs at Luna for being a weirdo?...
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