



ICYMI: This hashtag is in response to the common statement that “Not All Men ________ (fill-in-the-blank) when conversations about misogyny happen.

There is a tag circulating twitter right now for men? Seriously? As if tagging our bullshit with ‘but wait, #notallmen do terrible things’’ is going to make any of my gender seem more reasonable. Here’s the thing, every last person in that tag is refusing to take responsibility for what our gender is doing as a whole. It doesn’t matter if you are a tear in the river you are still part of the river!

Infuriating. If you want to do something positive for a change, try starting with proper education for both genders instead of passing bullshit feel-better phrases around. Teach yourself and your kids not to be as shitty as we all have been, to accept our failures as a society and make changes to respect one another.

Remember that our gender has done terrible, terrible things happen for longer than you have been alive, and despite living for less than a hundred years it is still your responsibility to bear the burden of what we have done as a whole, to rectify these grievances in favor of a better world where people aren’t terrified of you because of your gender.

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