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100 Awesome Movie Heroes
JOHN MCCLANE - Die Hard (1988)
(played by Bruce Willis)
He made wifebeaters cool and going barefoot fashionable. He’s probably the only one who can pull off crawling through air ducts and elevator shafts for a good portion of...

100 Awesome Movie Heroes

JOHN MCCLANE - Die Hard (1988)

(played by Bruce Willis)

He made wifebeaters cool and going barefoot fashionable. He’s probably the only one who can pull off crawling through air ducts and elevator shafts for a good portion of the movie and still hold the audience’s interest. He saved a whole bunch of people, foiled a terrorist plot and rekindled his marriage all in one night. Oh, and let’s not forget that “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker” became one of cinema’s best one-liners because of him. Bit of an overachiever, are ya, McClane?

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