Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Women of You Tube Gab Fest

Whoever says it’s a man’s world clearly wasn’t at David Beebe’s Women of YouTube event last week at Ignited Spaces.  A panel of eight fabulous women of various skill sets sat in director chairs swapping stories about their journey in their entertainment careers on the web. 

They might not be a household name like Angelina Jolie, but each has a loyal fan base in all arenas of social media. You want to hear what new beauty product Ingrid Nilsen is using? Go check out her latest on her You Tube channel Miss Glamorazzi. Want to know What’s Trending online? Shira Lazar will help you. In the mood for a funny song that you almost don’t realize is silly because you get lost in the music?  Head to Taryn Southern’s channel. Did you know you could win an Emmy for online content? Just ask talented producer Jenni Powell how it’s done.  Think it’s a challenge to build a huge following in America if you’re from another country? Talk to native Jamaican Shanna Malcom, aka Hey Yo Shanna to put you at ease and show you how she did it.   

The one thing all these ladies had in common is that they didn’t set out necessarily to have a career on YouTube. It organically happened. The secret is they followed their passion. When you are sharing something you love it’s easy to notice the authenticity behind it and I’m sure that’s one of the many reason these fine women are hugely successful on You Tube.  Want to grow a following?  Follow your passion and trust that eventually it will all fall into place.

One of my passions is giving everyone and anyone the chance to have the Red Carpet treatment my way. Take a look at these You Tube ladies hitting my Red Carpet on my You Tube channel. If you like it please engage with it and share and start a dialogue with these talented females and me.  If I learned anything from these gals it’s to engage with my audience.  By doing this we all help each other elevate. You elevate me and I’ll elevate you and we can all have fun in the process.  And don’t you want to be with cool people in the elevator? Makes for a smoother, happier ride.