

Chicago based Shawn Hazen began collecting vinyl records, just for the artwork, about 15 years ago and in 2012 started to document their typographic covers. Created as an inspiration for designers, Typophonic, explores type’s connotations and emotive power to express different music genres. 

The covers are helpfully categorised them, by ‘decade’, and themes such as; ‘Big Type’, ‘Script/Fancy’, ‘Psychedelic’ and ‘Type Only’.

“Typophonic is a collection of typographically driven 12-inch record covers from the 1950s through the 1980s. Some of the sleeves are type-only and some use type as a key element of the design. They’re all unique and speak to what was special about this area of design that has often been the most dynamic and experimental outlet for graphic designers.”

Shawn Hazen lists his top ten Typophonic album covers here.

(via typeworship)

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