Beleaguered Artist and PetE major. VFD. Occasional writer and fighter. Full-time Pungeon Master. Would (not so) occasionally talk about video games from time to time. I apologize if posts are infrequent.


“ So back in my youth, I used to rent Trigun VHS tapes from my local blockbuster, but they only ever had volumes 2 and 3. I never did see the rest of it. Now finally, years later, I am actually watching the series and it’s still pretty...


So back in my youth, I used to rent Trigun VHS tapes from my local blockbuster, but they only ever had volumes 2 and 3. I never did see the rest of it. Now finally, years later, I am actually watching the series and it’s still pretty great oh man.

Anyway have some Vashes.

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