April 12, 2012

“The vast majority of a publisher’s costs come from expenses that still exist in an e-book world: Author advances, design, marketing, publicity, office space, and staff….Publishers have a massive problem with perception of value. When you can’t hold it in your hands and easily pass it along to a friend, $10-plus just feels too expensive to many people.”

–Nathan Bransford, “Why e-books cost so much

Publishers could take a page from the organic food industry playbook, which has worked hard to make consumers accept paying more for a product because of the added value of quality and specialized labor.

5:27pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Zd-XAwJYhyBo
Filed under: news e-books publishing 
  1. sakuraskylux reblogged this from annadevries and added:
    Starberry April 12, 2012: Didn’t know that e-books still have many costs. But the explanation makes sense. I realize...
  2. fringe-element reblogged this from claudiagray and added:
    YES. THIS. People don’t seem to understand that the paper and glue are the least expensive part of a book. What you’re...
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  6. stuck-but-moving-blog reblogged this from annadevries and added:
    My two cents, and I know I’m speaking the minds of many, is WTF? Yes. There’s overhead in the business. We all get that....
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