Fitbit Is Now Officially Profiting From Users’ Health Data | Betabeat
“Fitbit has started to sell its trackers by the thousands to employers along with “sophisticated tracking software,” says a new report from Forbes. With employees’ permission,...

Fitbit Is Now Officially Profiting From Users’ Health Data | Betabeat

Fitbit has started to sell its trackers by the thousands to employers along with “sophisticated tracking software,” says a new report from Forbes. With employees’ permission, employers can then track their workers’ health, see how active individual employees are and foster a little healthy competition. Wiring up companies so that employers can monitor workers’ health is becoming “one of the fastest growing parts of Fitbit’s business,” Fitbit CEO James Park told Forbes.

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    Great, the era of employer bio-surveillance is upon us!
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    Of course, there’s absolutely no way his could turn coercive at all.
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