“Perhaps worried that they would spend all week painting the bedsheets only to have their nasty banner confiscated as soon as it was unfurled, fans of Turkish side Karsiyaka took a more imaginative approach to terrace abuse. They prepared a QR code...

“Perhaps worried that they would spend all week painting the bedsheets only to have their nasty banner confiscated as soon as it was unfurled, fans of Turkish side Karsiyaka took a more imaginative approach to terrace abuse. They prepared a QR code banner. Inevitably, the banner was immediately scanned on the phones of scores of curious supporters of opposing team Goztepe. The recipients were directed to a website, which was nicely described by OTP reader Ulas Gursat as being “full of bad words to Goztepe fans”.”

Turkish fans send abuse via QR code banner! | Football News, submitted by Murat G. (Original Turkish article)

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