

Muscovado: A Slave-Trade Play that Needs Your Support

Muscovado is a play telling the stories of several slaves on a sugar plantation in Nineteenth Century Barbados. Our aim in creating this play was to showcase the voices of those who tend to be ignored, the part of history that the world tends to forget.

This is especially true in Great Britain today, where our economy stands on the suffering of slaves. The sugar we drink in our tea was once stripped from the plantations of the Caribbean. Many got extremely rich from the abuse and neglect of their fellow human beings.

BurntOut Theatre is a young company that has a passion for spreading knowledge and creating inspiring Theatre in the process.

Your money will not only pay for our travel around the UK but it will help educate the younger generation on these issues. We are in partnership with museums and schools to help with our cause.

We aren’t asking for too much, every little helps. We are also giving gifts to those who donate!

Donate here: Click Me! 

I understand that is a tough financial time for some people so please show your support by Reblogging if you are unable to donate.

Learn more about the play at: htttp://www.burntouttheatre.co.uk

Photos courtesy of Hannah Palmer

Only 5 days left to hit target, we are nowhere near. I appreciate everyone’s help in re-blogging! You are all stars.

(via black-culture)