Employers should not be allowed to be exempt from medical privacy laws, the laws against genetic discrimination or the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to force their employees to provide them with private medical information about themselves and their families.  The only way to keep your medical information private is to pay a fine of up to $4000, which means these programs are not voluntary if you can’t afford it. The bill targets poor people.  Are Americans just supposed to trust our employers with sensitive medical information, when this law removes the protections we have against discrimination at work?  This bill is before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions- a committee you are all a part of. I ask that the committee not let this bill pass to the full Senate. I would ask Senator Alexander to withdraw his bill. 

This is a pretty terrifying bill that would allow for workplace wellness programs to be except from the ADA and other laws that protect people from disclosing personal medical information to their employers. Please sign / share and write your representatives.

You can use govtrack.us to find contact information for your representatives and more information about the bill.