I already posted about this on twitter but I just had to document it on here after seeing the post and hashtags barkpost / barkbox used. Because look at how CUTE and FUNNY they look…right? It has been a long time since I’ve seen anyone use the phrase...

I already posted about this on twitter but I just had to document it on here after seeing the post and hashtags barkpost / barkbox used. Because look at how CUTE and FUNNY they look…right? It has been a long time since I’ve seen anyone use the phrase “derpy” but clearly they are unaware of the ableist origin of the phrase or how it has been used to dehumanize folks with disabilities.

Shit like this is why I’m incredibly skeptical of people who are obsessed with Grumpy Cat but ignore that her name is actually Tardar Sauce. We can pretend the story about their kid naming her is real but I’m unable to see past the similarities to how folks treat or speak disabled animals when it reflects the way disabled people are spoken about as well. The obsession with disabled or “abnormal” animals as something to gawk at or be fascinated by is deeply problematic.

I commented on the facebook of barkpost and of course it was followed up by people saying it’s term of endearment. Something barkbox said themselves to me on twitter before telling me they were sorry I was offended

For once it would be nice to just look at things online and not be reminded how casually we use language and continually reinforce folks dehumanization. It may seem silly when it’s directed toward animals but this behavior is a reflection of how we see disabled people in our society.