October 6, 2011

In light of the recent discovery that the speed of light is no longer the speed limit of the universe.  and the other incredible discovery this year that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, meaning that some force is pushing it to move fast and faster… because physics tells us that an object will remain at a constant speed unless acted upon by a force… therefore some invisible and absolutely unknown force is at work… my framework of scientific wonder has been expanded. and wrapped up in that, my sense of spiritual wonder is again ignited as if new. The things we believe to be laws are not laws.  but shadows of laws.  and a few hundred years ago, it was a sin-punishable-by-death to presume that the sun did not orbit the earth…   I am silenced by the beauty of discovery, and the humility of wonder, and the admonition to the Fear of G-d.  It makes wonderful sense. 

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