Homeward, These Shoes

Shared between two lovers: Ian (unmagnificentlivesof-adults) and Shelby (nojokesfact)

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  7. meinauda said: Ach, Mutti hat aber auch ein Händchen für’s normale Leben, nur das Finger(nagel)spitzengefühl ist ihr für die armen Gören abhanden gekommen.
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  13. ricardocoops reblogged this from ohanameansfamily24 and added:
    So does the caption.
  14. pollitofensivo reblogged this from bundesmutti
  15. det-roit-blog reblogged this from bundesmutti
  16. ohanameansfamily24 reblogged this from bundesmutti and added:
    This picture completes me
  17. nemakarodtudni reblogged this from bundesmutti and added:
    Schmeckt das gut, ja?
  18. bundesmutti posted this
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