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Don’t even try to tell me Adelle and Alpha aren’t textbook frenemies.


Oh, *this* must become a thing.

  1. ludinusdaleth reblogged this from alphainthehouse
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  3. mxleahaven reblogged this from dollsome-does-tumblr and added:
    Oh, *this* must become a thing.
  4. meandering-wanderer reblogged this from theladiesfromhades
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  7. theladiesfromhades reblogged this from alphainthehouse
  8. justbehappydamnit reblogged this from alphainthehouse and added:
    They were probably friends at that point
  9. beyondtheveil-ginasfs reblogged this from alphainthehouse
  10. yetanotheropinion reblogged this from alphainthehouse
  11. leafsoared said: (( I have a secret crack-y dream of a sitcom where Adelle, Alpha and Topher are all roommates. And hilarious shenanigans ensue. ))
  12. alphainthehouse posted this