July 25, 2014

One day into the GP, and I’m up like $300. Most of it from selling cards, some of it from selling playmats. It works like this

  1. Register for a last-chance Grand Prix Trial side event (grinder) for $20
  2. Play in a round or two before losing. Collect playmat that is given to all participants
  3. Walk about 100 feet, sell playmat to a vendor for $32.
  4. Repeat

Did that twice, some people did it more but I got on the train late. Still have the playmat I got for registering VIP, probably gonna keep that one (it’s a cool playmat).

Went 0-1 and 1-1 in my two grinders, which is not super encouraging but my matchups were

  • Burn - bad matchup, lost. Not expecting to see a lot in the main event
  • Jund - decent matchup, won. Very popular (and GBx in general)
  • Scapeshift - decent matchup, I drew shit (mulligan to 5 game 2), lost. Expecting very little in the main event

11:13pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZdcBTw1MWPgOO
Filed under: MtG