November 1, 2012
We walk like rats. I’m in the dark zone of Manhattan. Last night after walking home from Times Square I noticed something about the pedestrians as they criss-crossed the blacked-out streets– including myself.
Jay Rosen ‏@jayrosen_nyu
“ Third night on...

We walk like rats. I’m in the dark zone of Manhattan. Last night after walking home from Times Square I noticed something about the pedestrians as they criss-crossed the blacked-out streets– including myself. 

Third night on the dark end of Manhattan linked to the grid by iPhone. Spooky out there. People behave more like rats when streets go black.

Sources of light are sources of danger. It’s a car or a bike headed at you, or a dad and a kid with a flashlight. And so as you’re walking in the dark end of Manhattan you instinctively move away from the light when you see it. More like a rat would.

(Photo credit Nate Sherman, under a Creative Commons License.)

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