November 17, 2012
“Confidently unaware…"
“D.C. Muecke identifies three basic features of irony. First, irony depends on a double-layered or two-story phenomenon for its success. "At the lower level is the situation either as it appears to the victim of irony (where...

“Confidently unaware…" 

D.C. Muecke identifies three basic features of irony. First, irony depends on a double-layered or two-story phenomenon for its success. "At the lower level is the situation either as it appears to the victim of irony (where there is a victim) or as it is deceptively presented by the ironist.” The upper level is the situation as it appears to the reader or the ironist. Second, the ironist exploits a contradiction, incongruity, or incompatibility between the two levels. Third, irony plays upon the innocence of a character or victim. “Either a victim is confidently unaware of the very possibility of there being an upper level or point of view that invalidates his own, or an ironist pretends not to be aware of it.” (Source.)

  1. fear-the-dreamer reblogged this from truth-has-a-liberal-bias and added:
    The bubble they live in is astoundingly irony proof. What scares me is this berk up here ? He’s very well educated. Yet...
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